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Men's  Basketball


Village residents, village resident’s extended family and village employees are not required to pay a registration fee. Open registration will continue until all roster positions are completed. Interested adults, 18 and older, may register in the gymnasium office during the regularly scheduled hours. A seasonal fee of $90.00 for the 18 and up league and $175.00 for the senior league will be required of all non-residents at the time of registration. Registration “in person” is required. Play is scheduled consecutive Mondays and Thursdays October thru April (excluding holidays). Notice will be provided should the Park District find it necessary to cancel any program.Teams will be selected randomly on site on a weekly basis and officiating will be conducted by game participants. Game substitutions and alternating opportunities to play will also be managed by program participants. All participants will be expected to conduct themselves with regard for all intentions, guidelines and policies established by the McCook Park District. Participants will be required to leave the premises and forfeit future opportunities to play when unsportsmanlike-like conduct is demonstrated, the safe play of others is jeopardized or in any other manner, a participant prevents the program from occurring as intended. Interested persons should review the rules of play before registering to assure this activity satisfies their interest.

Tot Time

Tot Time is a social/recreational program intended for boys and girls potty trained through six (6) years of age. The summer program will meet 5 days a week from 9:30 to 11:30 A.M. during June, July and August. Any daily session may be cancelled due to other District activities or special field trips specific to the tot program. A second program session will be scheduled to meet on Saturdays from 9:30 to 11:30 A.M. during the fall/winter/spring months. Any one of these sessions may also be cancelled due to other District activities. The tot time program is limited to a maximum number of twelve (12) participants. Resident registration may be accomplished beginning two (2) weeks prior to the first summer session and beginning two (2) weeks prior to the fall/winter/spring session. Non-resident registration may take place one (1) week prior to the beginning of each program period. On-going registration will be allowed until maximum number of participants limit is reached.


Arts and Crafts & Cooking


A variety of arts, crafts and cooking projects will be offered to elementary aged participants (6 thru 13). Registration will be required for the arts, crafts and cooking, projects. Specific project meeting dates will be posted in the vestibule of the gymnasium and in our calendar of events. Registration will be required for each program session. The arts, crafts and cooking projects are limited to maximum number of ten (10) participants.

McCook Park District

4911 Riverside Ave

McCook, IL 60513

Telephone 708-447-7048 
Fax 708-447-7157

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